Programme for 2025 - 2026
February 5th 2025: Norman Dickenson - Aspects of Vegetable Growing
Norman will tell us about growing vegeatbles in the usual places - and perhaps in a dustbin or in coir in a watertank!
March 5th Annual General Meeting (join up or renew your membership)
New Programme for 2025-26
2nd April: Graham Spencer :From cutting garden to garden centre, how plants are grown for your garden
7th May: Peter and Madeline Ward, Plant Heritage
4th June: Dr. Andrew Gaunt – New Pests and Diseases
9th July: Evening visit at a local specialist Nursery (booking in advance only)
No meeting in August
3rd September: Sarah Mayfield Aspects of Garden Design
1st October Carol Gubler Subject: Fuschias.
12th November Steve Webster A day in the life of a ranger.
3rd December Christmas Party (Members only)
4th February Steve Edney : Designing borders.
Click here to read more about these talks
All meetings are held in Eastgate Baptist
Church Hall, Lewes BN7 2LR.
7.30 for 7.45pm.
There are no meetings in January and August. The July meeting is normally an evening visit to a nearby garden.
In addition to our monthly meetings we have an annual day trip.